Oleg Dou***攝影師。他是80後男生,在Fine art上被評爲年度職業攝影師
The “Naked Faces” project is devoted to relationship between human’s inner world with human’s behaviour in society. The society still restricts behaviour and thought of a human being.
This project is a kind of a protest that is to show that a person should remain who he is and that people should perceive him in the way he is. The persons presented in his works lack individuality: the eyebrowes and the eyelashes are removed, the skin is smoothed.
He has always been trying to make observers to be not indifferent to his pictures but it does not mean that emotions should only be positive - they can express both alarm, and fear, and tearing away.
1.以可爱乖巧的形象在其他照片中脱颖而出,个性简明的图片成为图库的亮点,各个图片网站的纷纷转载,被频繁当做头像 空间素材。
3.很低调 很可爱 与别的网红不一样 很脱俗 清秀 可爱 成熟 妩媚 与一身。
4.走出了一条柳惠珠的道路 不论从照片风格 衣服打扮 喜好 性格 都拥有自己的个性。开创了柳惠珠式潮流。
5.照片不做作 清澈的眼睛 温柔的眼神 苗条的身材 亲切的笑容 可爱的表情。