16岁天真可爱的农村少女小慧带着美好的憧憬来到城里打工,却被女人贩子韩丫丫诱骗至一小县城任经理处,任经理用药将小慧迷倒并**了她,和韩丫丫一起带小慧到一个无名的光棍村,韩丫丫是一个体态丰腴,样貌甜美的骚妇,到了光棍村,引起村内光头丑汉二愣的垂涎,任经理贪心不足,将韩丫丫也卖了,小慧则卖给村里一个瘸子。当天夜里,小慧就被瘸子**,趁瘸子出去喝酒,小慧逃跑又被抓回,遭到瘸子的毒打,夜夜遭受瘸子的蹂躏。 韩丫丫被卖后,被光头丑汉**,痛不欲生,光头出去打麻将,邻居四哥趁此机会,偷偷翻墙,**了她…
女子防狼手册 Lunatic, Maniac and the Psycho's Parking Lot: Hitchcock Presents Anti-Pervert Manual剧照图片集锦,女子防狼手册 Lunatic, Maniac and the Psycho's Parking Lot: Hitchcock Presents Anti-Pervert Manual剧照图片合集.
Young office lady (Gao Nenxiang) arrives in a remote parking lot and starts seeing weird, inexplicable sights (a man whose shadow has a life of its own, a mysterious scythe-bearing figure tolling a bell, a terrifying dream of her own burial). Things come to a head when a pervert of the region starts creeping toward her car- or is it something more sinister?
一个溺水的人 A Drowning Man剧照图片集锦,一个溺水的人 A Drowning Man剧照图片合集.
Alone and far from home, The Kid makes his way through a strange city looking for the means to get through his day. Surrounded by predators he is forced to make compromises merely to survive, his life of exile grows one day longer.