That Place In Your Heart
Walk with me,
Break some breath here with me
Help on me, who I can too let with me
Who are you
What did I do to you
Wish on you, who I can tie live with you
We are all more the same than we separate
then the world is far apart
Plane returns too late
We can knock on template
Afar apart we are
There is always someway to the place in your heart
Hated one, just put down your gun
Done is done, why can't we live with one
Feel the shame
The air we breathe is the same
Heal the pain, why do we live the day
We are all more the same than we separate
And the world is far apart
Plane returns too late
We can knock on template
Afar apart we are
There is always someway to the place in your heart
In your heart, in your hear,
In your heart
There is always someway in your heart
风流过后 又牵多少英雄儿女
往事过尽 更添无限侠骨柔情
江山美人 几经嗟叹
万种风情 意显华章~
周迅 李若彤 张敏 章子怡 张曼玉 刘嘉玲 杨采妮 钟丽缇 汤唯 林青霞 王祖贤 宫泽理惠 张柏芝 黄圣依 天海佑希 梅艳芳 周慧敏 陈晓旭 李丽珍 叶蕴仪 吉永小百合 邱淑贞 胡因梦 蔡少芬 赵雅芝 郭蔼明 袁咏仪 钟楚红 巩俐 李嘉欣