英王拉尔夫 King Ralph剧照图片集锦,英王拉尔夫 King Ralph剧照图片合集.
英国王室的成员因为一次意外,全部去世了。皇室后继无人,却惊喜发现民间还有一名皇室后裔。这个人就是拉尔夫(约翰•古德曼 John Goodman饰),他热爱摇滚,喜欢无拘束的生活。然而让他去当国王,却有点违背他本性——果然,进入白金汉宫后,拉尔夫完全不了解各种礼仪仪式,闹了不少笑话,幸得老勋爵薛杜尔相助教导。
罗斯托夫 Ростов剧照图片集锦,罗斯托夫 Ростов剧照图片合集.
The events reflected in the television series took place in reality. In the 20s of the last century, rampant crime reached its apogee. The city authorities could not restore order and therefore decided to resort to extraordinary measures: they recruit a recidivist thief named Trump to work at the police station. He is appointed head of the department. Now he is Ivan Kozyrev.