少年阿辛離開羅東老家到台北來闖天下,經好友老K的介紹在國宅租房子住,認識了年紀相仿的鄰居彭大、毛妹兄妹,並一同在餐廳打工謀生,因而認識了少女蓮花。大家一起愉快的工作,毛妹個性剛強,蓮花溫柔可愛,兩人都喜歡阿辛,三人發展出一段糾纏不斷的感情。 在一場友人的婚禮上,大家喝多了酒,與另一群青年發生衝突,彭大受傷成為植物人,阿辛懊惱不已,又要逃避警察的追緝。毛妹為了彭大的醫藥費與家庭開銷,只好下海賣身賺錢,阿辛也淪為強盜,兩人越陷越深,終於發生了更不幸的事情。
青少年的非主流启蒙 Indie Sex: Teens剧照图片集锦,青少年的非主流启蒙 Indie Sex: Teens剧照图片合集.
Underage sex is one of the most taboo topics on screen. Indie Sex: Teens presents the history and role of teenage sex and sexuality on screen from Splendor in the Grass to Kids to Thirteen. The blockbuster teen films of the 80s and more contemporary teen flicks are all explored as mediums through which teen films have played a central role in adolescent sex education.