Kelly Smith澳大利亚女插画师,毕业于著名的塔斯马尼亚大学艺术学院。也许是身在风景迷人、历史悠久的塔斯马尼亚岛上,所以Kelly Smith的作品也透着一股源于自然的清新迷人。 Kelly Smith的创作手法比较统一,铅笔绘制,上色一般也是用彩铅,有时会运用一些拼贴材质的手法。Kelly Smith的创作灵感大多来自一些超级模特和明星的amazing shot,再加以自己的想象重新创作。你可以在Kelly Smith的某某作品中看出某某大片的影子。同时Kelly Smith也做一些商业插画,为店铺设计橱窗等。
Kelly Smith澳大利亚女插画师,毕业于著名的塔斯马尼亚大学艺术学院。也许是身在风景迷人、历史悠久的塔斯马尼亚岛上,所以Kelly Smith的作品也透着一股源于自然的清新迷人。 Kelly Smith的创作手法比较统一,铅笔绘制,上色一般也是用彩铅,有时会运用一些拼贴材质的手法。Kelly Smith的创作灵感大多来自一些超级模特和明星的amazing shot,再加以自己的想象重新创作。你可以在Kelly Smith的某某作品中看出某某大片的影子。同时Kelly Smith也做一些商业插画,为店铺设计橱窗等。
出生并在英国诺森伯兰郡度过童年,就读于Newcastle College和Liverpool College专修美术和设计的yvonne gilbert,自从事绘画事业起,她就是大家眼中的弄潮儿。而在1973年她那无以匹敌的天赋更是让其在毕业后顺利开展了五年的讲学生涯。不过,坚持自己的意愿,做自己想做的事情的她,并不满足于此, 在为Richard绘制完《A Dictionary of Fairies》、《The Iron Wolfchr》两个故事的插图后,她毅然辞去工作,成为自由插画家,为英国和美国的出版业提供作品。此外,她也从事书籍装帧、海报邮票等*面设计类的工作。
1985年,在参加Golden Stamp奖的设计后,她因设计的邮票华丽唯美,而饱受英国邮政局的赞赏,被评为世界上最美的邮票。之后每年,她的作品都惊艳于欧洲各大展览上。其作品的品质堪比油画,可谓名副其实的,把彩色铅笔在绘画上的应用,发挥到了极致的魔法师。
Yvonne Gilbert以她精美的彩铅画为人所熟知
使画作唯美写实 又如童话般充满想象力
Charles grew up in Stillwater, MN and spent his summers along the Wisconsin countryside where he quickly became drawn to the outdoors. He was introduced to hunting and fishing at a very young age. By the time he was three, fishing and archery were becoming his favorite things to do. He spent as much time in the woods and on the water as he could throughout his childhood. At the same time, his love for art began to emerge as well. Charles filled his notebooks at school with hundreds of sketches. Although he never took his artwork seriously and his outdoor activities seemed to heavily outweigh it, Charles was revealing his talent for art by the time he was twelve. He won numerous contests at school and his artwork was often chosen by teachers and principals to be on display or used for fundraiser auctions.
In his high school years, Charles’s desire to draw became more and more prevalent. Even though most of his free time was spent out in the field or on the lake, Charles was setting more time aside for his art. His was first inspired to become a professional wildlife artist in his high school art class during his senior year. While presenting his final project to the class, the teacher stopped Charles to tell him that his artwork is beyond average and that he should really be pursuing a career in art. The other students in his class agreed. This inspiration kick started Charles’s career as an artist very quickly. Not knowing any other way to get started with selling his drawings, Charles began auctioning them off on eBay and the word spread fast.
With the help and support of Charles’s parents, he was given a few offers from close relatives and family friends to do some commission work. This gave Charles the idea to start a business offering custom portraits. At this point in time, Charles enrolled at the University of North Dakota where he began to pursue his dream of becoming a wildlife biologist. Artwork was something he thought he could do on his own. Although with sales and commission requests coming from all over the world, Charles quickly decided to switch his major over to a Bachelor’s degree in Art.
Charles opened up his first website to display and promote his artwork in the summer of 2007. He spent the summer at home working full-time as an artist. By the end of the summer, Charles was featured on the front page of a local newspaper.
Soon after completing his first semester as an art major, Charles realized it wasn’t for him and thought if he was going to achieve his dream of becoming a professional wildlife artist, he had to do it on his own. Charles switched his major back to a Bachelor’s degree in Wildlife Biology and continued to work hard at his art. During his spring break vacation at home, Charles received a phone call from ABC’s Channel 5 News and they wanted to do a story on him. Charles happily agreed. This publicity boosted his career immediately and Charles began to believe that his dream of becoming a famous artist could become an actuality.
After finishing his degree in wildlife biology, Charles's career in natural resources brought him west to Billings, MT where he currently resides. He works part-time as an artist outside of work and plans to continue his pursuit of becoming a full-time artist.
另:这个专辑的表现方式主要为彩铅 、包含了小部分丙烯、亚克力等方式。
路遥知马力 日久见人心 愿得一心人 白首不相离
拿起你的画笔,一起来画吧,看到这些是不是充满激情啊!(虽说画到一半就被渣画浇灭。。。),也帮助你看清和别人的差别,当然画画要靠自己的,还是需要背后努力才会有成果 #绘画# #艺术# #水彩# #教程# #绘画基础# #素描# #线稿#
《灵感·禅意》:笔墨现智慧 花草呈禅意。书中极简的线条,让你甚至感受不到时间的静静流逝、斗转星移。禅意悠然,过目难忘,令人浮想联翩。
《灵感·复古》:穿越时代的优雅。很容易让人想起洛可可时代的法国,书中欧式古典纹饰轻抚在精致家具中,重现了宫廷般的华贵绚丽。不禁让人想在涂绘的过程中,配一杯下午茶,感受一次时代的穿梭,重回那个优雅的时代。 《灵感·花园》:绿野仙踪。你可以在这片绿野仙踪里寻找到心灵的追求,从我们日常的喧嚷生活中挣脱而出,感受每一片叶子的脉络…
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