來自日本的 IC4DESIGN 插畫設計工作室擅長這種極度精細而且又色彩繽紛的插畫,他們的作品畫面熱鬧,而且在每一幅畫中都充滿了幽默好玩的元素,不管是色彩繽紛的彩色街景或是單色的線條插畫,都讓人忍不住仔細觀賞,深怕漏失掉任何一個精采的點子。有許多客戶就是看上他們插畫的特點而找上他們,知名機車製造商 Ducati 就請他們製作了一幅城市插畫將 Ducati 機車隱藏在其中(上圖),非常的有意思!
索菲亚科波拉和路易威登工作室设计总监**Libran决定尝试在整个集合合作。结果是度假区,索非亚风格。“噢,我的上帝,对我来说这真的很好玩,科波拉说:”四季“桌球室的演示。“我很高兴给我的意见,我希望我能有这样或那样 。我告诉她我想要一个新的衣柜。“
After working together on a wardrobe for her whirlwind through the Venice Film Festival last year, Sofia Coppola and Louis Vuitton studio design director Julie De Libran decided to try collaborating on a whole collection. The result is resort, Sofia-style. “Oh my God, for me it’s really fun,” Coppola said at the presentation at the Four Seasons’ Pool Room. “I’m happy to give my opinion of, I wish I could have this or that. I told her I want a new wardrobe.”
Coppola’s a longtime friend of the house, but not a typical muse. She’s an innately stylish, visual thinker who makes very exclusive clothes look enviably accessible. As Vuitton’s De Libran put it, “She’s had a Parisian experience. With Louis Vuitton, I think it’s so great to understand the spirit and beauty of the city. She has an effortless, casual chic. It’s what people want to wear.”
What the two came up with for resort is a smart grouping of clothes based on Coppola’s favorite shapes: a short denim tunic dress, navy print pajama pants with a dusty blue knit cardigan, a high-waisted leather-and-wool quilted skirt that could be worn with a simple white tee. Straight ankle-length pants in red, paired with a sweet, short-sleeve button-up in a small heart pattern look youthful, practical, and very Coppola—she asked De Libran to re-create the print that was first used in pre-fall. The whimsical Eiffel Tower print is a nod to her adopted hometown.