born 1959 on the outskirts of london, england - went to school, went to art school, worked in graphic design studios, worked in advertising agencies, worked as a freelance illustrator - all very boring and irrelevant - till the mid eighties when begin publishing photocopy booklets of ink drawings in editions of around 100 copies (or sometimes only half a dozen) distributed via the underground "industrial music culture" mail order network - contact with william bennett led to sup***ing cover art for a number of whitehouse cds - and an important career motivating friendship with romain slocombe encouraged the start of airbrush paintings based on personal ideas - first exhibitions held at torture garden fetish nightclub events in london in 1993 - and moved to tokyo the same year with teddy bear artist konomi izumi (aka hippie coco) - work published in numerous japanese sex magazines but appeared a dead end - baby art was born as a new artistic direction combining cute images of dolls etc with previous less innocent interests - contributed regularly to the eroguro magazine too negative - the editor formed ng gallery who staged the first major trevor brown exhibitions - and also published (hear no, see no, speak no) evil, the first book collection of trevor brown art, in 1996 - the attention of editions treville was caught who've remained the major publisher of trevor brown art books since - the airbrush was replaced by oil painting around 2000 - the artist currently has one wife and three cats
澳大利亚电影演员“最性感男人”休·杰克曼 (Hugh Jackman) 凭借电影《X战警》成为影坛超级巨星和帅酷型男的代表。在美国畅销杂志《People》的评选中,休·杰克曼 (Hugh Jackman) 荣膺“全球最性感男士”称号;2000年到2004年间,休·杰克曼 (Hugh Jackman) 就已经入选《People》杂志的“世界最美五十人”。
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