秋水天 谁弄弦 随波舟唱盛世颜
台阁倾 殇歌落 随逝去云烟
风过也 路三千 良辰美景都看遍
南淮月 楼船雪 终不似当年
往世缥缈 几人高台祭青天
蔷薇开似血 燃 末代烽火前
铁甲安在 昔日风流谁人殓
白骨没 黄昏掩 空留史册说经年
碗中青阳魂 荡 马步裙翩跹
殇阳血 星野变 一朝倾倒玉山前
问君子 意如何 今夜醉朱颜
一生盟 去似箭 笑莫笑死生由天
虎牙枪 苍云剑 一诺作谶言
阅残卷 寂寞眼 纸上旧月可堪恋
缱绻时 花正浓 春风似少年
风雪黯 旧梦远 江山此夜一舞间
一相拥 两长眠 曲终人不见
百里花红 经霜犹纯经雪艳
回望烟波里 谁 执扇掩笑颜
当时歌行 风流云散无人见
来路长 前尘湮 待从头拨断琴弦
Donna Karan /Spring 2012 RTW
The passions and obsessions of Donna Karan have been a guiding principle of every single thing that the designer has done since she started back in the eighties. Karan’s initial success was founded on the Seven Easy Pieces that she came up with, but now the aim of those—to help and empower women through easy to wear, easy to understand, easy to love clothes—has taken on more universal concerns; helping and empowering has taken a bigger, more dramatic narrative arc. So it is that with next spring’s collection we travel, courtesy of Karan, to Haiti, where she has been spending a lot of her time, throwing her energies into rebuilding communities there through initiatives that will foster the notion of exporting Haitian craftsmanship and artistry to the world. Karan always puts her money where her mouth is: Her Urban Zen store has carried quietly beautiful graphic mud-colored wraps made in Haiti, with the proceeds of the sales going to charities she supports there. Her spring, though, is all about her idea of the island, with, for instance, the pinwheel prints on full, draped cotton skirts inspired by the likes of Port-au-Prince artist Phillippe Dodard. It is, in essence, a paean to a land she has come to love.
That’s the back-story, so what about the clothes? And that’s where we return to the guiding impulse that led her to set up the company in the first place; fanciful notions don’t mean anything, Karan realizes, unless they’re grounded in reality. The more explicitly literal renderings of her theme aside, Karan drew, then, on Haiti to give her an earthy brown and bone-color palette (with the occasional flash of intense violet; purple is the accent color of spring 2012), and used it for clothes that spoke of ways to soften urban dressing, like a chic pale creamy white stretch cotton canvas dress that flatteringly draped at the neck, then narrowed, then let loose in controlled waves of volume. (It’s that silhouette that has emerged as marking out the dress of the season). Or she offered up a simple city uniform of organza shirts over gently undulating skirts worn with stretch band sandals on substantial flat-wedge heels. It’s the pieces in the Dodard-ian prints that are, though, the heart and soul of the collection. And with the surface of clothes having become so important thus far this season thanks to the endless, endless procession of prints on the runway, Karan’s passion for the source of her patterns means that hers go way, way deeper.
唐娜卡伦的激情和执着一直是每一件事情,因为她在80年代开始的设计师做了的指导原则。 Karan的初步成功,是成立的七,她来到达与轻松小品,但现在的人士,以帮助和授权通过简单的女性来穿,很容易理解,容易爱衣服更普遍的关注采取的有目的;帮助并授权采取了更大,更戏剧性的叙事弧线。因此,它是,明春的收集我们的旅游,礼貌的卡兰,海地,她??已支出了很多她的时间,投掷到重建通过倡议,从而促进出口海地工艺和艺术性,以概念的社区有她的能量世界。卡兰她的钱总是把她的嘴:她的城市禅店进行悄悄美丽的图形泥色包装海地,她支持有向慈善机构持续的销售所得。不过,她的春天,是所有关于她的岛屿的想法,用,例如,全面,身披棉裙灵感来自端口太子港王子喜欢的艺术家菲利普Dodard风车打印。它在本质上,她来爱土地的赞歌。
这是后面的故事,所以什么衣服呢?这也正是我们回报的指导性冲动,导致她的成立在首位的公司;奇特的概念没有任何意义,卡兰实现,除非他们立足于现实。她的主题预留更明确的文字渲染,卡兰提请,那么,对海地给她一种朴实的棕色和骨色调色板(激烈紫偶尔闪光;紫色是2012年春季的口音颜色),并用它为像一个别致的淡乳白色弹力棉帆布衣服flatteringly披在脖子上,发言的方式来软化城市敷料的衣服,然后再缩小,然后让松量控制波。 (它的标示出了本赛季的礼服出现的人影)。或她提供了一个简单的全市统一,透明硬纱衬衫,轻轻起伏舒展大量的*板楔跟鞋带凉鞋穿裙子。它的Dodard伊恩打印件,但是,集合的心脏和灵魂。与衣服表面变得如此重要,因此,本赛季至今感谢不已,在跑道上打印的无休止的**,Karan的激情意味着她图案的来源,她去的方法,方式更深。
索菲亚·科波拉执导的新片《绝代艳后》(Marie-Antoinette),根据安东尼娅·弗雷泽的书作改编,讲述了一位风华绝代的女性——法国王后玛丽·安托瓦内特的传奇一生。虽然出生于奥地利皇室,贵为法国王后,锦衣玉食,但她却是历史上受非议、误解和谩骂最多的女性之一。 玛丽·安托瓦内特是奥地利皇帝弗兰茨一世的女儿,14岁就入主法国凡尔赛宫,19岁成为了法国国王路易十六的王后。影片展现了法国大革命前凡尔赛宫内种种的颓废、奢靡与阴谋。挥霍无度、放荡不羁的玛丽王后,导致法国在18世纪七八十年代债台高筑,从而最终导致法国大革命的爆发和君主制的推翻,而玛丽王后本人也于1793年10月被送上了断头台。 凡尔赛宫水晶灯闪耀,衣香鬓影,上流社会的贵族们常在这里举行宴会。但是在今天则有所不同。它将决定玛丽·安托瓦内特的一生,今夜是法国太子迎娶玛丽·安托瓦内特为妻的大婚日子。 玛丽·安托瓦内特为奥地利公主。出生于1755年11月2日,拥有一头金色波浪卷秀发,嫣红的双唇,吹弹可破的雪肌,迷人的双眼,被誉为奥地利最美的公主。年仅14岁的她,美丽迷人的她,成了奥地利与法国险恶政治之间的牺牲品。1770年,嫁给了年仅16岁的法国波庞王室的太子,也就是将来的路易十六,成为了路易十六的太子妃。