袁飞(赵耘颉 饰)是在清华大学念书的高材生,个性老实木讷的他是一个彻头彻尾的技术宅男。一次偶然中,袁飞邂逅了小师妹可儿(朱可儿 饰),可儿的聪明伶俐古灵精怪很快就吸引了袁飞的注意,他无法自持的坠入了情网。然而,袁飞自知同可儿之间的距离遥远,只能将感情埋藏在心底。
“原始”家庭 Krippendorf's Tribe剧照图片集锦,“原始”家庭 Krippendorf's Tribe剧照图片合集.
A university professor is paid to find the last undiscovered tribe of New Guinea. When he fails to find the tribe, he comes home, and rather than admitting that he's failed, he gives a lecture about the Shelmikedmu tribe (named after his children: Shelly, Mike, and Edmund) and then has his family dress like "Shelmikedmus," so that he can film them as proof of his discovery.
家庭幸福 Family Happiness剧照图片集锦,家庭幸福 Family Happiness剧照图片合集.
Orphans Romilly and Fina Wells, separately meet their old idol Jay Masbin formerly of boy band "Boyz Believe" with whom both have charged, though ultimately upsetting experiences. They spend the night in each other's company and perhaps are soothed. Family Happiness is a story about calming down.