Benjamin Lacombe
法国插画师,出生于巴黎,“他无疑是当今最杰出的插画师之一,2007年他的作品《Cherry and Olive》荣登《时代》杂志10大儿童书籍排行榜”。
Benjamin was born in Paris in 1982.
In 2001, he attended the ƒcole Nationale SupŽrieure des Arts DŽcoratifs of Paris (ENSAD) where he pursued his artistic education. In addition to his studies, he worked as an advertising and animated movie artist before completing his first comic series at the age of 19, along with a few other illustrated books…
His final project « Cherry and Olive », , which he has both written and illustrated, became his first children’s book and was published by Les ƒditions du Seuil in March 2006. The following year, it was released by Walker Books (USA) and nominated one of the top 10 children’s books for the year 2007 in the U.S.A. by the prestigious weekly news magazine Time.
Since then, Benjamin has written and illustrated numerous books. He has notably worked with Albin Michel, Barefoot Books (USA), Edelvives (Spain), Hemingway Korea (Korea), Milan, MaxMilo, Sarbacane, Soleil, Walker Books (USA) and of course Le Seuil Jeunesse, the publishing house which has issued most of his books.
Benjamin exhibits his work on a regular basis. Among others, it has been displayed in the following art galleries: Ad Hoc Art (New York),L’art de rien (Paris), Dorothy Circus (Rome), Maruzen (Tokyo), etc...
Benjamin lives and works in Paris with his dog Virgile, often found hiding among the pages of his books.
Name:Megan Fox
Birth Date:May 16, 1986
Megan Fox是全球最性感的女人之一,Megan Fox那骨子中透出的小野猫般的性感.
1999年,13岁的Megan Fox参加模特大赛而入行,2001年起Megan Fox演出过*10部作品,可惜大多是不起眼的小角色.直到后来《变形金刚》一片投资方派拉蒙影业看中Megan Fox的新鲜感及出众身材,决定找她任女主角.随着电影《变形金刚》的上映,21岁的Megan Fox一夜间成为大明星.