兔巴哥的1001个传说 Bugs Bunnys 1001 Rabbit Tales(1982)剧照图片集锦,兔巴哥的1001个传说 Bugs Bunnys 1001 Rabbit Tales(1982)剧照图片合集.
Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck are rival book salesmen from Rambling House. They each go their separate ways to sell books to folks, Daffy finds himself encountering Elmer Fudd and Porky Pig. Bugs gets forced by Sultan Yosemite Sam to tell stories to his bratty son, Prince Abba-Dabba. The stories are shown through clips of old Warner Bros. Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies
浪人剑客的传说 Vivat mushketyory剧照图片集锦,浪人剑客的传说 Vivat mushketyory剧照图片合集.
发现公主有难,剑客前往抢救,但他得先通过路上难关。他快马加鞭却撞上骑扫把超速飞行的巫婆,车祸意外超展开变成绑架,脱身后又遇上大恐龙骚扰居民,路见不*的英雄剑客先拔刀相助,再拿出帽内的道具,敌人们纷纷破涕而笑。时间一分一秒过去,任务乐声再度响起,但坏人离公主已经越来越*,剑客是否来得及?手绘2D 动画的率性奔放风格,非暴力的英雄故事,带来了欢乐的轻快节奏和强烈的运动感。