冬冬是个爱幻想的孩子,可他生性胆小懦弱,时常受班里同学的欺负。一个偶然的机会,他发现从大海里游 来一只小白狗,他收养了小白狗,认为是神力无边的奥特曼从外星派来帮助他的。幻想中,他从外星狗身上获得了巨大能量,一下子变成了英雄,在学校中成了神奇 的超人。 但是好景不长,小狗被它的主人认领走后,冬冬的幻想破灭了又变成了胆小鬼。老师告诉他:外星能量是你的幻想,真正的能量在你自己身上,只要你努 力,就一定会成功。
十亿彩色故事 A Billion Colour Story剧照图片集锦,十亿彩色故事 A Billion Colour Story剧照图片合集.
Hari is a curious and sensitive Mumbai pre-teen from an artistic, mixed heritage home. His Hindu mother and Muslim father share an unwavering faith in the ideal of India. When his father’s faith is shaken, Hari vows to restore it as only a modern kid can.