五谷是指:稻谷、麦子、大豆、玉米、薯类,同时也*惯地将米和面粉以外的粮食称作杂粮,而五谷杂粮也泛指粮食作物,所以五谷也是粮食作物的统称。在《黄帝内经》中,五谷被称之为:"粳米、小豆、麦、大豆、黄黍",而在《孟子滕文公》中称五谷为"稻、黍、稷、麦、菽",在佛教祭祀时又称五谷为"大麦、小麦、稻、小豆、胡麻",再而后便是李时珍在《本草纲目》中记载谷类有33种,豆类有14种,总共47种之多。还有一种说法认为五谷泛指五类作物,即"悬、藤、根、角、穗"。而古代的"五谷"一词,一般是指的是:粟、豆 、麻、麦、稻;同时五谷亦可为泛词,泛指农作物或农产品。可延伸为含谷类或以土生作物为原料的食品和饮品等。
甜蜜高谷 Sweet Valley High剧照图片集锦,甜蜜高谷 Sweet Valley High剧照图片合集.
'Michael Hayashida' joined the cast in the middle of the first season, as foreign exchange student Koichi. He stayed until the end of the season, when he disappeared, never to be mentioned again. Patty Gilbert also disappeared without an explanation before the beginning of the second season. Bruce Patman was the only character whose sudden disappearance was actually explained.
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Parrish McLean lives with his mother Ellen on Sala Post's tobacco plantation in the Connecticut River Valley. His mother winds up marrying Sala's rival Judd Raike, ruthless planter who wants to drive Sala out of business. Judd insists that Parrish learn the business from the ground up.
鲸之谷 Hvalfjörður剧照图片集锦,鲸之谷 Hvalfjörður剧照图片合集.
The film shows a strong bond between two brothers that live in a remote fjord with their parents. We look into their world through the eyes of the younger brother and follow him on a journey that marks a turning point in the lives of the brothers.
松树谷 Pine Gap剧照图片集锦,松树谷 Pine Gap剧照图片合集.
Set in the intensely secretive world of intelligence and the enigmatic US/Australia joint defence facility in central Australia, the spy-thriller Pine Gap delves into the famously strong alliance between the two countries.
富人谷刑事 Полицейский с Рублёвки 2016剧照图片集锦,富人谷刑事 Полицейский с Рублёвки 2016剧照图片合集.