阿拉斯加风景,阿拉斯加风景,国外风景,美国风景,阿拉斯加州(Alaska State)是一个位于美国西北太*洋沿岸的州,第49个加入美利坚合众国的州,其也是美国最大的州、世界最大的飞地地区,该州的邮政缩写是AK。“阿拉斯加”一名最可能源于阿留申语的“Alyeska”,意思是“很大的陆地”,阿拉斯加州东接加拿大的育空、英属哥伦比亚,南邻阿拉斯加湾、太*洋,西濒白令海、白令海峡、楚科奇海,北临北冰洋。
太空勇士-加森 Jason of Star Command剧照图片集锦,太空勇士-加森 Jason of Star Command剧照图片合集.
Jason was an officer of Star Command, which was located on the same asteroid as Space Academy. Star Command's job was to protect the innocent from the bad guys, most notably Jason's archenemy, the one-eyed Dragos. Written by Marty McKee {mmckee@wkio.com}