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Photography by David Nikolaisen

Photographer David Nikolaisen just graduated from the Norwegian School of Photography in Trondheim, Norway, and will soon be moving to Oslo to pursue photography projects: “- Yeah, I’m fresh out of school, so the plan is to move to Oslo and get some sort of job so I can survive and just take shit loads of photos in the hopes of some day being able to live of my photography. One of the best tips I got from my old teacher at school was to just keep on being weird and take a lot of photos. So that’s what i’m going to do, and just take things as they come and see where I end up.“

He says that music and movies have always been a great source of inspiration for him, but adds: “- But for the most part guess I have a spin on an old cliché: Sex, drugs and depression. Friends and fashion also play there part, from where I get my inspiration. Ohhhh, I can’t forget Hero Magazine and I Love Fake Magazine. I love them!”

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