奥黛丽·赫本/Audrey Hepburn
♢比利时 布鲁塞尔/英国
*** 直到永远
1987 窃贼之爱
1981 哄堂大笑
1978 血统
1976 罗宾汉与玛莉安
1967 盲女惊魂记
1967 丽人行
1966 偷龙转凤
1964 窈窕淑女
1964 巴黎假期
1963 谜中谜
1961 双姝怨
1961 蒂凡尼的早餐
1960 恩怨情天
1959 修女传
1959 翠谷香魂
1957 黄昏之恋
1957 甜姐儿
1956 战争与和*
1954 龙凤配
1953 罗马假日
1952 双姝艳
1952 前进蒙特卡罗
1951 蒙特卡罗宝贝
1951 械劫装甲车
1951 少妇轶事
1951 野燕麦
1951 天堂里的笑声
1948 荷兰七课
[本專輯圖片來自網絡 轉侵刪]
Arethusa arose
From her couch of snows
In the Acroceraunian mountains, --
From cloud and from crag,
With many a jag,
Shepherding her bright fountains.
She leapt down the rocks,
With her rainbow locks
Streaming among the streams; --
Her steps paved with green
The downward ravine
Which slopes to the western gleams;
And gliding and springing
She went, ever singing,
In murmurs as soft as sleep;
The Earth seemed to love her,
And Heaven smiled above her,
As she lingered towards the deep.
Then Alpheus bold,
On his glacier cold,
With his trident the mountains strook;
And opened a chasm
In the rocks--with the spasm
All Erymanthus shook.
And the black south wind
It unsealed behind
The urns of the silent snow,
And earthquake and thunder
Did rend in sunder
The bars of the springs below.
And the beard and the hair
Of the River-god were
Seen through the torrent's sweep,
As he followed the light
Of the fleet nymph's flight
To the brink of the Dorian deep.
'Oh, save me! Oh, guide me!
And bid the deep hide me,
For he grasps me now by the hair!'
The loud Ocean heard,
To its blue depth stirred,
And divided at her prayer;
And under the water
The Earth's white daughter
Fled like a sunny beam;
Behind her descended
Her billows, unblended
With the brackish Dorian stream: --
Like a gloomy stain
On the emerald main
Alpheus rushed behind, --
As an eagle pursuing
A dove to its ruin
Down the streams of the cloudy wind.
Under the bowers
Where the Ocean Powers
Sit on their pearled thrones;
Through the coral woods
Of the weltering floods,
Over heaps of unvalued stones;
Through the dim beams
Which amid the streams
Weave a network of coloured light;
And under the caves,
Where the shadowy waves
Are as green as the forest's night: --
Outspeeding the shark,
And the sword-fish dark,
Under the Ocean's foam,
And up through the rifts
Of the mountain clifts
They passed to their Dorian home.
And now from their fountains
In Enna's mountains,
Down one vale where the morning basks,
Like friends once parted
Grown single-hearted,
They *** their watery tasks.
At sunrise they leap
From their cradles steep
In the cave of the shelving hill;
At noontide they flow
Through the woods below
And the meadows of asphodel;
And at night they sleep
In the rocking deep
Beneath the Ortygian shore; --
Like spirits that lie
In the azure sky
When they love but live no more.
奥黛丽川崎 (Audrey Kawasaki) 是日裔美籍插画家,擅长木板作画。她的画作低调另类、唯美纯净,画中少女细致入微的肌理,摄人心魄的眼神,红润、白皙、妖娆、飘、忧郁、冷漠、诱惑、自然,散发着销魂气味。
塞西莉亚·门德斯 (Cecilia Mendez) 和阿格妮斯·迪恩 (Agyness Deyn) 差不多一个时期红的,都是俏皮的短发,发型也很相似,但是给人的感觉却是一动一静完全两个极端的人。 和爽朗会闹又会变化中性的阿格妮斯·迪恩 (Agyness Deyn) 相比,05年出道的塞西莉亚·门德斯 (Cecilia Mendez) 给人娇弱羞怯的感觉,像奥黛丽·赫本 (Audrey Hepburn) 一样非常符合咱们中国人的审美观。
《龙凤配》由派拉蒙影视公司1954年发行,主演:奥黛丽·赫本、亨佛莱鲍嘉(Humphrey Bogart)、威廉荷顿 (William Holden)。剧情简介一个私人司机的女儿Sabrina(赫本饰)从巴黎的餐饮学校返家后,欣然发现自己暗恋已久,却一直花名在外的雇主的次子(威廉荷顿饰)竟然对蜕变后的她展开猛烈的追求。之后,一向深思熟虑,又存有门户之见的哥哥(长子,亨佛莱鲍嘉饰)为了阻止这段“不恰当”的恋情便跟着介入其中,却发现自己竟然也悄悄地爱上了Sabrina。
For attractive lips, speak words of kindness.
For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.
For a slim figure, share your foodwith the hungry.
For beautiful hair, let a child run his or her fingers through it once a day.
For poise, walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone.
Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you'll find them at the end of each of your arms. As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.
✿✿ kerwin
日马夫人端木晨琳 常存林晨露 Dasha Taran 新木优子 张辛苑 吴妍书 章乐韵 李知恩iu girlday主李惠利 阿佳妮 戚薇 唐艺昕 薇诺娜·瑞德 Winona Ryder Nastya Kusakina 金娜熙 奥黛丽赫本 伊丽莎白泰勒 泰勒斯威夫特 费雯丽 高金银 程潇 裴秀智 白豫彬 裴珠泫艾琳 古力娜扎 刘亦菲 水原希子 林允儿 郑爽 崔路易 倪妮 刘诗诗 裴秀智 全智贤 艾玛沃特森 范冰冰 金恩星 苍井优 小松菜奈 等欧美日韩女星女团真人女头壁纸
Button Shoes)的合唱团员。由于表现突出,她还参与了音乐剧《鞑靼酱》(Sauce Tartare)和《开胃酱》(Sauce Piquante)的演出。