Super Model
Name:Andrej Pejic
Birth Date:August 28, 1991
Height: 183cm
Andrej Pejic on Sunday Night
More pretty, white, princess-y dresses for women whose arms are always hot. We don’t know why picking out a wedding dress is so hard for you ladies. There’s only like 4 variations to choose from. So long as you go into it knowing that no one will allow you to cover your arms and that your options are 1)white, and 2)off-white, then what’s the problem? After that, it’s just a matter of figuring out how poofy you want your skirt and whether you want lace, tulle or lace AND tulle at the same time. Really, gals. Why must you complicate these things so? As long as you accept that you will have no choices whatsoever, bridal gown shopping should be a SNAP.
We admit, we do kinda like the one with the gold flowers all over it.
[画集]《萝洛娜and托托莉的工作室.人设andCG画集》(Atelier.Rorona.and.Totori.Art.Book)[岸田メル] 外不会画画滴人请注意!
部分手绘收录于2015年的书《节气手帖:蔓玫的花花朵朵》http://book.douban.com/subject/26654475/ (书中没有步骤图!书中没有步骤图!书中没有步骤图!重要的事说三遍~)
民谣绘本完成了 很有传统节气年味儿的一套童谣 像外婆桥、虫虫飞这些小时候很喜欢听外婆抱着我念的 所以画起来感觉有一股外婆身上的味道·· https://www.behance.net/gallery/19502487/Picture-book-Chinese-Ballads-