Kevin Scott
United States
Birthday:September 9
I draw using colored pencils and enjoy drawing all types of women the most. If you have any questions or comments about colored pencils feel free to send me a message.
Current Residence: San Angelo, Texas
Favourite genre of music: Rock N' Roll
Favourite photographer: Mark Daughn, Richard Rasner and Dave Hammond
Favourite style of art: Realism
Operating System: Windows Vista
MP3 player of choice: I-Pod
Favourite cartoon character: Foghorn Leghorn
Personal Quote: What would you do with a brain if you had one -- Dorthy
Minni Havas (b. 1983) is a freelance illustrator based in Helsinki. Having studied fashion design at the University of Art and Design Helsinki, her focus is mainly on fashion illustration. Minni uses colour pencils to draw detailed pictures with magical colours and arrangements somewhere in the borderlands of the real and the imaginary.
要是从各种地方搬来的大触手绘 供大家参考画风使用√我们一起成为触吧~- 主要有:水彩 线稿 马克笔 彩铅 铅笔 黑白 水粉 水墨 动漫 写实 小清新 素描 萌妹子
(喜欢就收集点赞,大爱记得粉我哟!)二次元 小清新 头像 简洁 男生 唯美 动漫 卡哇伊 正太 涂鸦 水彩 手绘 彩铅 古风 水粉 动物 水墨 美男 美女 治愈 系列头像 闺蜜头像
唯美 病娇 黑暗 猎奇 小清新 油画 动漫头像 少女 美少年 厚涂 CG 壁纸