窗帘杆 The Curtain Pole剧照图片集锦,窗帘杆 The Curtain Pole剧照图片合集.
An upper class drawing room. A gentleman breaks the curtain pole and goes in search of a replacement, but he stops into a pub first. He buys a very long pole, and causes havoc everywhere he passes, accumulating an ever-growing entourage chasing him, until he escapes them through a bit of movie magic, only to discover that the pole has already been replaced.
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三個單身漢同住一個房間; 高達明好擺闊, 追求的對象大多貪慕虛榮; 張志遠與鄰居郭玉玲相戀, 郭母愛面子, 害遠為了婚禮到處張羅, 險吃官司; 李雄腳踏實地, 與房東的姪女終成眷屬.