曼丁哥 Mandingo剧照图片集锦,曼丁哥 Mandingo剧照图片合集. Richard Fleischer repeatedly turned down Dino De Laurentiis' overtures to direct the film. He ultimately relented when he realized that the best way to make the film was to shoot it straight and tell the story as truthfully as he could.
小丑 Klovn Season 1剧照图片集锦,小丑 Klovn Season 1剧照图片合集. 加拿大第15届国际奇幻电影节最佳电影“黑马奖”影片《小丑》:影片讲述两位“基友”带着一个小屁孩一起漂流野营途中发生的种种不堪的故事,充满了关于生殖器长度和同性恋的笑话,是一出又贱又萌的性喜剧。该片在丹麦创下了超过1200万美元的票房。