双龙 Ninja.Killer剧照图片集锦,双龙 Ninja.Killer剧照图片合集.
He's a loner who's traveled far, seeking out chances to improve and finally perfect his fighting skills. For now, he can fulfill his life's destiny: to kill the man who calls himself King Kong--the man responsible for his parents' death. But Kong is waiting, armed with the service of the sinister Falcon and his shadow warriors: the ninja.
双龙剑 Two Dragons Sword剧照图片集锦,双龙剑 Two Dragons Sword剧照图片合集.
侠路永坦(鲁直)投靠嵩阳帮,却因偷看岳中岳(张扬)练剑而被赶了出来。离开之后,路永坦拜在上官鹤门下苦练剑法,以待未来能找到自己的亲生哥哥。原来路永坦的父亲当年遭人杀害,临死前曾交代上官鹤将龙牌断为两半,分别交给两个儿子。 岳中岳当上嵩阳帮帮主之日,妹妹岳丽英被掳走。为了拯救妹妹,岳中岳潜入金狮堡,却不慎误杀了少堡主。路永坦得知此事后,潜入金狮堡并救出岳丽英。 嵩阳帮和淮阳帮因遭到挑拨,双方准备决一死