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婚纱全部,『Twigs & Honey』凡尔赛公主,Kenneth Pool 2011秋冬婚纱发布,清新意境婚纱照图片_想给你我全部的爱张杰谢娜婚纱照全部 两人甜蜜如糖一吻定情羡煞旁人 ,全部全部全部成为F全部成为F全部成为F全部成为F全部成为F全部成为F全部成为F全部成为F全部成为F

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『Twigs & Honey』

Twigs &amp; Honey是美国一个婚纱品牌。
这一辑的*面宣传照是由著名的婚礼摄影师Elizabeth Messina拍摄的。

12月9日 官网产品目录已全部更新完毕!



Twigs &amp; Honey ® pieces are made with attention to detail and an interest in fine craftsmanship. Since the first styles were released, the designs have included handmade and hand dyed or painted silk flowers, hand sewn embellishments and other intricate detailing. The Twigs &amp; Honey ® line features hair adornments, headbands, birdcage veils, traditional veils, bridal jewelry, belts, boutonnieres, ring pillows, hats, shrugs, bouquets, corsages, everyday jewelry, fragrance and more! The line uses fine silks, feathers, laces, and vintage bits that result in completely unique adornments. Twigs &amp; Honey ® pieces have been featured in The TODAY Show, Us Weekly Magazine, Real Simple Magazine, Brides Magazine, Bridal Guide Magazine, LA Times, Destination Weddings Magazine, Weddings Unveiled Magazine, The DailyCandy, Portland Bride &amp; Groom Magazine, Southern Weddings Magazine, WedLuxe Magazine, WellWed Magazine, Oregon Bride Magazine, Santa Barbara Magazine, Nonpareil Magazine, Get Married Magazine, Eco-Beautiful Weddngs Magazine, The Scene Magazine, Vermont Vows Magazine and many more. Twigs &amp; Honey pieces have been worn by celebrities including Noureen DeWulf and Teresa Strasser. Twigs &amp; Honey is also part of the Vendor A-List on 100 Layer Cake and Style Me Pretty&#039;s Fashion Look Book.

Twigs & Honey
Twigs & Honey
Twigs & Honey
Twigs & Honey
Twigs & Honey
Twigs & Honey
Twigs & Honey
Twigs & Honey
Twigs & Honey
Twigs & Honey

凡尔赛公主,Kenneth Pool 2011秋冬婚纱发布

Kenneth Pool永远都令人想要尖叫!这一次设计师Amsale Aberra把巴黎的凡尔赛宫拆掉做成了Kenneth Pool 2011秋冬系列的婚纱,恐怕玛丽安托瓦内特都会嫉妒得从坟墓里爬出来抢一件,或者抢走全部!

凡尔赛公主,Kenneth Pool 2011秋冬婚纱发布
凡尔赛公主,Kenneth Pool 2011秋冬婚纱发布
凡尔赛公主,Kenneth Pool 2011秋冬婚纱发布
凡尔赛公主,Kenneth Pool 2011秋冬婚纱发布
凡尔赛公主,Kenneth Pool 2011秋冬婚纱发布
凡尔赛公主,Kenneth Pool 2011秋冬婚纱发布
凡尔赛公主,Kenneth Pool 2011秋冬婚纱发布
凡尔赛公主,Kenneth Pool 2011秋冬婚纱发布
凡尔赛公主,Kenneth Pool 2011秋冬婚纱发布
凡尔赛公主,Kenneth Pool 2011秋冬婚纱发布

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