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  • 英文count的汉语意思是什么

  • 英文,教育
  • 英文count的汉语意思是什么


      名词 总数; 数数; 罪状; 论点

      动词 数数; 计算总数; 把…算入; 重要

      1. 记录…的数目/记不清…的数目

      If you keep count of a number of things, you note or keep a record of how many have occurred. If you lose count of a number of things, you cannot remember how many have occurred.

      e.g. The authorities say they are not able to keep count of the bodies still being found as helicopters search the area...


      e.g. She'd lost count of the interviews she'd been called for.


      2. 失去意识;熟睡

      If someone is out for the count, they are unconscious or very dee* asleep.


      1. 重要;有价值

      If something or someone counts for something or counts, they are important or valuable.

      e.g. Surely it doesn't matter where charities get their money from: what counts is what they do with it...


      e.g. It's as if your opinions, your likes and dislikes just don't count...


      2. (尤指在特定环境中或在特定规则下)将…看作,将…视为

      If something counts or is counted as a particular thing, it is regarded as being that thing, especially in particular circumstances or under particular rules.

      e.g. No one agrees on what counts as a desert...


      e.g. Any word that's not legible will be counted as wrong...


      3. 把…算入;包括

      If you count something when you are making a calculation, you include it in that calculation.

      e.g. It's under 7 percent only because statistics don't count the people who aren't qualified to be in the work force...


      e.g. The years before their arrival in prison are not counted as part of their sentence.


      4. 点;方面;事项

      You can use count to refer to one or more points that you are considering. For example, if someone is wrong on two counts, they are wrong in two ways.

      e.g. 'You drink Scotch,' she said. 'All Republicans drink Scotch.' — 'Wrong on both counts. I'm a Democrat, and I drink bourbon.'


      5. 指控;罪状

      In law, a count is one of a number of charges brought against someone in court.

      e.g. He was indicted by a grand jury on two counts of murder.



      1. When several Parties act in unison for purposes outlined in the preceding paragraph, they shall count as one entity.

      2. Never count on mothers to buy Sanlu milk for their babies just because a national industry will collapse otherwise.

      3. Iraq's assassination victims by now number as many as a thousand, although no one keeps official count.

      4. After a slow vote count, the announcement of the final results took the country by surprise on Orthodox Christmas Eve.

      5. The ministry should count how many times it has publicized a statement on this issue, even though this time it was joined by six other central government departments.

      6. An enthralling and high calibre final finished with the set count at 26 all and Nadal pleased with his part in it.

      7. The PC camera is another digital product that is popular during the holidays, because families with members overseas count on it to see loved ones over the Internet.

      8. This year, the sponsors cannot count on having such a following in the country.

      9. Those stakes mainly will take the form of preferred stock, which Paulson has said will count in the banks'Tier 1 regulatory capital.

      10. Carter was charged with misdemeanor prostitution and a felony count of unauthorized use of property, related to the school com*r.


  • 有哲理的励志说说:I am making my time count

  • 哲理,励志
  • ★1☆  后来,听闻你有了新欢,从此,我的英雄为了另一个女孩征战疆场血溅四方。

    ★2☆  说分手是想被挽留,你却顺口祝我自由。

    ★3☆  你用沉默来回避我,那我就用不联系来成全你。

    ★4☆  我爱你”用唇语读出来却是“怀疑”。

    ★5☆  愿终有一日,你付出一片真心,却被人弃之如履,因爱别离,求不得而失措发狂,身心千疮百孔。

    ★6☆  难受吧,有上千页聊天记录的人就这么离开了。说说控最伤感的说说分享

    ★7☆  世界上最委屈的事就是我很喜欢你,但好像只能到这里了。

    ★8☆  水落下来是因为天空无法承受它的重量,眼泪掉下来是因为心再也无法承受那样的伤痛。

    ★9☆  我曾悄无声息的喜欢过你,友情之上,爱情未满。

    ★10☆  我已经做好要陪你一生的打算,爱情无望就让友情来帮我圆谎。

    ★11☆  看我爱的多懦弱,你的消息只能听别人说。

    ★12☆  不如两清,做回甲乙丙丁。

    ★13☆  何必赠我一朵枯萎的花,如果爱我不是你的心里话。

    ★14☆  世界上其实根本没有感同身受这回事,针不刺到别人身上,他们就不知道有多痛。

    ★15☆  Miss”有两个意思,一个是想念,一个是失去,所以想念多了就会失去。

    ★16☆  来我们依然孤单,你换了几站,我一直流浪。

    ★17☆  雪永远比下雪冷,就像结束永远比开始疼。

    ★18☆  要总是在担心会失去谁,好好想想,有谁会在担心失去你。




count短语 - 句子

count短语 - 语录

count短语 - 说说

count短语 - 名言

count短语 - 诗词

count短语 - 祝福

count短语 - 心语


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