Nothing improves the memory more than trying to forget.令记忆深刻的最好方法,就是试图去忘记。本想埋葬那个曾经华丽的转身,但纠结的青藤却在浸满泪水的无语中疯狂生长,这千年不了的情缘仍旧徘徊着彼岸的花开,何时才能结束这折磨着身心渐老的疲倦。轮回的梦总喜欢流连多情的江南,那如诗如画的相遇浪漫牵挂着多少人的心愿,希望这重复的上演能保留着此生若只如初见的美好。I will accompany you to eternity. 我将伴你到永恒人的记忆,就像一条河流,我现在的记忆就像河流结冰,记忆永远停留在有你的日子里。人生最终的价值在于觉醒和思考的能
~Dior 'La Ligne Libre' Dress - 1957 - House of Dior - Design by Christian Dior - Made for Baroness Alain de Rothschild - Tulle and net of nylon and rayon with satin ribbon, boned, lined with silk - Victoria and Albert Museum Collection, London~