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  • 美丽*中英文台词

  • 美丽,台词
  • The last hidden world-ChinaFor centuries, travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapesand surprising creaturesChinese civilization is the world's oldestand today it's largestwith well over a billion peopleIt's home to more than 50 distinct ethnic groupsand a wide range of traditional life stylesoften inclose partnership with natureWe know that China faces immense social and environmental problemsbut there is great beauty here tooChina is home to the world's highest mountains,vast deserts ranging from from searing hotto mind numbing coldsteaming forestsharboring rare creaturesgrassy plains beneath vast horizonsand rich tropical seasNow, for the first time everwe can explore the whole of this great countrymeet some of the surprising and exotic creatures that live hereand consider the relationship of the people and wildlife of Chinato the remarkable landscaping which they liveThis is wild ChinaFor our troubled but drop-dead beautiful motherland最后的隐世净土-*数世纪来旅人传诵着关于这片神奇土地以及那些神奇生物的传说*文明是世界最古老的文明而如今是最宏博的那数十亿的人民现存超过五十个民族以及各式各样贴*自然的传统生活方式我们都知道*面对着着众多社会环境问题但这里也存在着令人窒息的美丽*有着世界最高峰从无垠的炙热沙漠到麻木大脑的寒冷地带以及那蒸笼般的森林中隐匿的各种珍稀生物天际下广阔无垠的草原以及富饶的热带海洋现在我们第一次有机会深入探索这片伟大的土地接触栖息于此的珍奇生物目睹*这片神奇土地上人与野生世界的羁绊这就是最原味的*谨以此献给我们多灾多难但美丽依旧的祖国之后的在这个博客找吧很全的

    The last hidden world- ChinaFor centuries, travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapesand surprising creaturesChinese civilization is the world's oldestand today it's largestwith well over a billion peopleIt's home to more than 50 distinct ethnic groupsand a wide range of traditional life stylesoften inclose partnership with natureWe know that China faces immense social and environmental problemsbut there is great beauty here tooChina is home to the world's highest mountains,vast deserts ranging from from searing hotto mind numbing coldsteaming forestsharboring rare creaturesgrassy plains beneath vast horizonsand rich tropical seasNow, for the first time everwe can explore the whole of this great countrymeet some of the surprising and exotic creatures that live hereand consider the relationship of the people and wildlife of Chinato the remarkable landscaping which they liveThis is wild ChinaFor our troubled but drop-dead beautiful motherland最后的隐世净土-*数世纪来旅人传诵着关于这片神奇土地以及那些神奇生物的传说*文明是世界最古老的文明而如今是最宏博的那数十亿的人民现存超过五十个民族以及各式各样贴*自然的传统生活方式我们都知道*面对着着众多社会环境问题但这里也存在着令人窒息的美丽*有着世界最高峰从无垠的炙热沙漠到麻木大脑的寒冷地带以及那蒸笼般的森林中隐匿的各种珍稀生物天际下广阔无垠的草原以及富饶的热带海洋现在我们第一次有机会深入探索这片伟大的土地接触栖息于此的珍奇生物目睹*这片神奇土地上人与野生世界的羁绊这就是最原味的*谨以此献给我们多灾多难但美丽依旧的祖国





    wild china美丽*(Wild China)第一集龙之心 Heart of the Dragon 最后的隐世净土 The last hidden world * China 数世纪来旅人传诵着关.2Teach for China美丽*(Teach For China)是一个专业化教育非营利组织,2008年成立于*云南。

    美丽*每年从中美两国招募优秀青年作为项目 …3美丽的*Beautiful China

  • lol台词中英文对照图奇

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  • LOL英雄联盟全装备中英文称号名字对照表

    中文称号中文名英文称号英文名黑暗之女安妮The Dark ChildAnnie哨兵之殇加里奥The Sentinel's SorrowGalio狂战士奥拉夫The BerserkerOlaf诡术妖姬乐芙兰The DeceiverLeblanc卡牌大师崔斯特The Card MasterTwisted Fate德邦总管赵信The Seneschal of DemaciaXin Zhao首领之傲厄加特The Headman's PrideUrgot猩红收割者弗拉基米尔The Crimson ReaperVladimir末日使者费德提克The Harbinger of DoomFiddlesticks审判天使凯尔The JudicatorKayle无极剑圣易The Wuju BladesmanMaster Yi牛头酋长阿利斯塔The MinotaurAlistar流浪法师瑞兹The Rogue MageRyze亡灵勇士赛恩The Undead ChampionSion战争女神希维尔The Battle MistressSivir众星之子索拉卡The StarchildSoraka迅捷斥候提莫The Swift ScoutTeemo麦林炮手崔丝塔娜The Megling GunnerTristana嗜血猎手沃里克The Blood HunterWarwick雪人骑士努努The Yeti RiderNunu赏金猎人厄运小姐The Bounty HunterMiss Fortune寒冰射手艾希The Frost ArcherAshe蛮族之王泰达米尔The Barbarian KingTryndamere武器大师贾克斯Grandmaster at ArmsJax堕落天使莫甘娜Fallen AngelMorgana时光守护者基兰ChronokeeperZilean炼金术士辛吉德Mad ChemistSinged寡妇制造者伊芙琳The WidowmakerEvelynn瘟疫之源图奇The Plague RatTwitch死亡颂唱者卡尔萨斯The DeathsingerKarthus虚空恐惧科'加斯The Terror of the VoidCho'Gath殇之木乃伊阿木木The Sad Mummy Amumu披甲龙龟拉莫斯The ArmordilloRammus冰晶凤凰艾尼维亚The CryophoenixAnivia恶魔小丑萨科The Demon JesterShaco祖安狂人蒙多The Madman of ZaunDr. Mundo琴瑟仙女娑娜M*en of the StringsSona虚空行者卡萨丁The Void WalkerKassadin刀锋意志艾瑞莉亚The Will of the BladesIrelia风暴之怒迦娜The Storm's FuryJanna海洋之灾普朗克The Saltwater ScourgeGangplank英勇投弹手库奇The Daring BombardierCorki天启者卡尔玛The Enlightened OneKarma宝石骑士塔里克The Gem KnightTaric*小法师维迦The Tiny Master of EvilVeigar诅咒巨魔特朗德尔The Cursed TrollTrundle策士统领斯维因The Master TacticianSwain皮城女警凯特琳The Sheriff of PiltoverCaitlyn蒸汽机器人布里茨The Great Steam GolemBlitzcrank熔岩巨兽墨菲特Shard of the MonolithMalphite不祥之刃卡特琳娜The Sinister BladeKatarina永恒梦魇魔腾The External NightmareNocturne 扭曲树精茂凯The Twisted TreantMaokai荒漠屠夫雷克顿The Butcher of the SandsRenekton德玛西亚皇子嘉文四世The Exemplar of DemaciaJarvan Ⅳ发条魔灵奥莉安娜The Lady of ClockworkOriana齐天大圣孙悟空The Monkey KingWukong复仇焰魂布兰德The Burning VengeanceBrand盲僧李青The Blind MonkLee Sin暗夜猎手薇恩The Night HunterVayne机械公敌兰博The Mechanized MenaceRumble魔蛇之拥卡西奥佩娅The Serpent's EmbraceCassiopeia水晶先锋斯卡纳The Crystal VanguardSkarner大发明家黑默丁格The Revered InventorHeimerdinger沙漠死神内瑟斯The Curator of the SandsNasus狂野女猎手奈德丽The Bestial HuntressNidalee野兽之灵乌迪尔The Animal SpiritUdyr钢铁大使波比The Iron AmbassadorPoppy酒桶古拉加斯The Ra*le RouserGragas战争之王潘森The Artisan of WarPantheon探险家伊泽瑞尔The Prodigal ExplorerEzreal金属大师莫德凯撒The Master of MetalMordekaiser掘墓者约里克The Gr*ediggerYorick暗影之拳阿卡丽The Fist of ShadowAkali狂暴之心凯南The Heart of the TempestKennen德玛西亚之力盖伦The Might of DemaciaGaren曙光女神蕾欧娜The Radiant DawnLeona虚空先知玛尔扎哈The Prophet of the VoidMalzahar刀锋之影泰隆The Blade's ShadowTalon放逐之刃锐雯The ExileRiven深渊巨口克格'莫The Mouth of the AbyssKog'Maw暮光之眼慎Eye of TwilightShen光辉女郎拉克丝The Lady of LuminosityLux远古巫灵泽拉斯The Magus AscendantXerath龙血武姬希瓦娜The Half-DragonShyvana九尾妖狐阿狸The Nine Tails FoxAhri法外狂徒格雷福斯The OutlawGr*es 潮汐海灵菲兹The Tidal TricksterFizz雷霆咆哮沃利贝尔The Thunder's RoarVolibear深海泰坦诺提勒斯The Titan of the DepthsNautilus机械先驱维克托The Machine HeraldViktor凛冬之怒瑟庄妮The Winter's WrathSejuani无双剑姬菲奥娜The Grand DuelistFiora爆破鬼才吉格斯The Hexplosives ExpertZiggs仙灵女巫璐璐The Fae SorceressLulu战争之影 赫卡里姆The Shadow of WarHecarim惩戒之箭 韦鲁斯The Arrow of RetributionVarus 诺克萨斯之手 德莱厄斯The Hand of NoxusDarius 荣耀行刑官德莱文The Glorious ExecutionerDr*en未来守护者杰斯The Defender of TomorrowJayce 荆棘之兴婕拉Rise of The ThornsZyra皎月女神黛安娜Scorn of The MoonDiana傲之追猎者雷恩加尔The PridestalkerRengar暗黑元首辛德拉The Dark SovereighSyndra虚空掠夺者卡'兹克The Void Re*erKha'Zix蜘蛛女皇伊莉丝The Spider QueenElise影流之主劫The Master of ShadowsZed唤潮鲛姬娜美The TidecallerNami皮城执法官蔚The Piltover EnforcerVi魂锁典狱长锤石The Chain WardenThresh德玛西亚之翼奎因下面是下载地址

    诅咒巨魔:特兰德尔Trundle 刀锋意志:伊瑞利亚(Irelia) 探险伊泽瑞尔(Ezreal) 牛头酋长:阿利斯塔(Alistar) 木乃伊:阿木木(Amumu) 冰晶凤凰:艾尼维亚(Anivia) 黑暗之女:安妮(Annie) 寒冰射手:艾希(Ashe) 虚空恐惧:科’加斯(ChoGath) 末日使者:费德提克(Fiddlesticks) 海洋之灾:普朗克(Gangplank) 审判天使:凯尔(Kayle) 虚空行者:卡萨丁(Kassadin) 英勇投弹手:库奇(Corki) 祖安狂人:蒙多医生(DrMundo) 死亡颂唱者:卡尔萨斯(Karthus) 武器大师:贾克斯(Jax) 风暴女神:迦娜(Janna) 无极剑圣:易(Yi) 寡妇制造者:伊芙琳(Evelynn) 宝石骑士:塔里克(Taric)不详之刃:卡特琳娜(Katarina) 堕天使:莫甘娜(Morgana) 沙漠死神:内瑟斯(Nasus) 雪人骑士:努努(Nunu) 披甲龙龟:拉莫斯(Rammus) 流浪法师:瑞兹(Ryze) 亡灵勇士:赛恩(Sion) 战争女神:希维尔(Sivir) 迅捷斥候:提莫(Teemo) 麦林炮手:崔丝塔娜(Tristana) 蛮族之王:泰达米尔(Tryndamere) 卡牌大师:崔斯特(Twisted Fate) 瘟疫之源:图奇(Twitch) 炼金术士:辛吉德(Singed) 众星之子:索拉卡(Soraka) 嗜血猎手:沃里克(Warwick) 时光守护者:基兰(Zilean) 大发明家:黑默丁格(Heimerdinger) 恶魔小丑:萨科(Shaco) 野兽之灵:乌迪尔(Udyr) 狂野女猎手:奈德丽(Nidalee) 钢铁大师:波比(Poppy) *小法师:维伽(Veigar) 蒸汽机器人:布里茨(Blitzcrank) 战争之王:潘森(Pantheon) 熔岩巨兽:墨菲特(Malphite) 德玛西亚之力:盖伦(Garen) 风暴之心:凯南(Kennen) 虚空先知:玛尔扎哈(Malzahar) 暮光之眼:慎(Shen) 德邦总管:赵信(XinZhao) 深渊之首:克格’莫(Kog Maw) 够了吧,我也经常这样取名字的-.-

    Hot on the trail...还很新鲜。

    I love a good chase.我超爱追杀的。

    Don't be caught flatfoot-ing.别被警察抓。

    I h*e the tools for the job.这份工作所需的工都有。

    Want to see a hat trick?想看戏法么

    Let's investigate.我们去查案吧。

    Time for a shakedown.现在是大搜查时间~Me? Miss? Not by a longshot.我



    Right没错I smell a rat...possibly other than Twitch.小心,有老鼠……别误会,这个老鼠可不单指图奇哟。

    Got them in my sights!见一个,灭一个

    Meet the long gun of the law.见识下法律的大枪吧

    Boom! Headshot.崩

    爆头~So many bad guys, so little time.坏人总是太多,时间却又太少。

    Who doesn't like being under the gun?有谁不喜欢被枪指着吖

    Up for a showdown?打算摊牌了么

    Sorry boys, I keep the fuzzy cuffs at home.真抱歉,少年们,我把皮手铐忘在家里了。

    Want another shot? I wouldn't want tole*e things up in the air.想要再来一发么


    Would you prefer the good cop? Or thebad cop?你们喜欢好警察呢


    A sniper’s greatest tool isprecision (gun breaks)...and good equipment.一个狙击手最重要的工具就是精准(枪坏了)……还有一把好武器The whole is greater than the sum of its(gun breaks) ...parts…一个整体总是要强过它的(枪坏了)……零件……I'm on the case!随时准备破案

    中英文台词对照:    We'll bring them pain    我们会叫他们好受的

        I'll h*e my revenge    我要报仇

        They will suffer    他们将会痛苦不堪

        Without mercy    绝不手软

        Share my torment    享用我的折磨吧

        Do not dally    请不要闲逛

        Feel my pain    感受我的痛苦吧

        I must h*e my revenge!    我必须去报仇了

        Not all angels are good    有人说他们上辈子都是折翼的天使……但我上辈子是什么呢

        You too will be judged    你们也会被审判的

  • 海王经典中英文的台词

  • 经典,台词,语录
  •   由华纳与DC联合打造的漫改电影《海王》公布了新的上映日期,影片定档于2018年10月5日。影片最初公布的上映日期为2018年7月27日。以下是小编为你精心整理的海王经典中英文的台词,希望你喜欢。

      1、No matter where you are, whether it's a quarter mile away or half way across the world. The most important thing in life will always be the people in this room, right here, right now. You'll always be with me. And you'll always be my brother.FOR PAUL.无论你身处何方,无论是4分之1英里的赛道,还是绕了大半个地球的距离。我们生命中最重要的东西就是这屋檐下的人,就在此时,就在此地,你永远在我身边,也永远是我的兄弟!

      2、I dont h*e friends,I got family.我没有朋友,只有家人。

      3、I used to say I live my life a quarter mile at a time and I think that's why we were brothers-because you did,too.我说过,每飚一次车就像过了一辈子,也正因此我们成了兄弟,因为你也是这个活法。

      4、You'll always be with me, and you'll always be my brother.你永远与我同在,也永远是我的兄弟

      5、Thought you could le*e without saying goodbye?不说声再见就想走?怎么能说得出口。

      6、The most important thing in life will always be the people (family) right there, right now. That's what's real.”生活中最重要的就是此刻你身边的人,这才是最真实的。

      7、No matter where you are, whether it's a quarter mile away or half way across the world. The most important thing in life will always be the people in this room, right here, right now. You'll always be with me. And you'll always be my brother.无论你身处何方,无论是4分之1英里的赛道,还是绕了大半个地球的距离。我们生命中最重要的东西就是这屋檐下的人,就在此时,就在此地,你永远在我身边,也永远是我的兄弟!

      海王(Aquaman)是美国DC漫画旗下超级英雄,本名亚瑟·库瑞(Arthur Curry),是海底之国亚特兰蒂斯的皇后和美国海边一个灯塔看守人的私生子,拥有半人类、半亚特兰蒂斯人的血统,从小就展现出了远超常人的各项体能,以及能在水下自由活动与呼吸,并和海洋生物沟通等异于他人的能力,在前任亚特兰蒂斯国王死后,王位空缺,其母派人找到他,加冕其为亚特兰蒂斯国王、掌管七海,并被赋予了亚特兰蒂斯王权的象征,能操控大海力量,掀起风浪的三叉戟,后与超人、蝙蝠侠等人创立正义联盟,成为正义联盟七大创始人之一。




      编剧:Paul Norris Mort Weisinger ...



      更多片名:水行侠 潜水侠


  • 经典电影台词中英文大全

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  •   中英文台词的电影那部比较经典呢?以下是好句摘抄小编为你精心整理的经典电影台词中英文,希望你喜欢。


      1) There’s no crying in baseball!在棒球运动中没有哭泣!《红粉联盟》

      2) Love means never having to say you’re sorry。爱就是永远不必说对不起。《爱情故事》

      3) If you are ever in trouble,don’t try to be brave,just run,just run away。你若遇上麻烦,不要逞强,你就跑,远远跑开。《阿甘正传》

      4) Everything that has a begin has an end。世间万物有始皆有终。《黑客帝国》

      5) Toto,I’ve got a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore。托托,我想我们再也回不去堪萨斯了。《绿野仙踪》

      6) Mrs。Robinson,you’re trying to seduceme。Aren’t you?罗宾逊太太,你是在引诱我,对吗?《毕业生》

      7) We become the most familiar strangers。我们变成了世上最熟悉的陌生人。《乱世佳人》

      8) You’ve got to ask yourself one question:″Do I feel lucky?″Well,do ya,punk?你应该问你自己一个问题:“我是幸运的吗?”快点去做,年轻人,无知的年轻人。《警探哈里》

      9) Greed,for lack of a better word,is good。没有比“贪婪”更好的词语了。《华尔街》

      10) Death is just a part of life,something we're all destined to do。死亡是生命的一部分,是我们注定要做的一件事。《阿甘正传》   经典电影台词中英文最新

      1) The things you own,end up owing you。你所拥有的东西最终拥有了你。《搏击俱乐部》

      2) I’m as mad as hell,and I’m not going to take this anymore!我疯狂得如同地狱中的恶魔,我不会再这样继续下去了!《电视台风云》

      3) I love waking up in the morning and not knowing what’s going to happen, or who I’m going to meet, where I’m going to wind up。我喜欢早上起来时一切都是未知的,不知会遇见什么人,会有什么样的结局。《泰坦尼克号》

      4) Fasten your seatbelts。 It’s going to be a bumpy night。系紧你的安全带,这将是一个颠簸的夜晚。《彗星美人》

      5) All right,Mr。DeMille,I’m ready for my close-up。好了,德米勒先生,我已经准备好拍摄我的特写镜头了。《日落大道》

      6) You had me at hello。你一开口就征服了我!《加菲猫》

      7) Go ahead,make my day。来吧,让我也高兴高兴。《拨云见日》

      8) You don’t understand!Icoulda had class。I coulda been a contender。I could’ve been somebody,instead of a bum, which is what I am。你根本不能明白!我本可以获得社会地位,我本可以是个竞争者,我本可以是任何有头有脸的人而不是一个毫无价值的游民!《码头风云》

      9) I’m going to make him an offer he can’t refuse。我会给他点好处,他无法拒绝。《教父》

      10) Here’s looking at you,kid。就看你的了,孩子。《卡萨布兰卡》

      11) Louis,I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship。路易斯,我认为这是一段美好友谊的开始。《卡萨布兰卡》

      12) Keep your friends close,but your enemies closer。亲*你的朋友,但更要亲*你的敌人。《教父II》

      13) Get busy living or get busy dieing。要么忙于活着,要么忙于死去。《肖申克的救赎》

      14) You had me at″hello。″当你说“你好”的那一刻起就拥有我了。《甜心先生》

      15) A man can be destroyed but not defeated。一个人可以被毁灭,却不能被打败。《老人与海》

      16) May the Force be with you。愿原力与你同在。《星球大战》

      17) I love the smell of napalm in the morning。我喜欢闻弥漫在清晨空气中的汽油弹味道。《现代启示录》

      18) As God is my witness,I’ll never be hungry again。上帝为我作证,我不会再让自己挨饿了。《乱世佳人》

      19) I have always depended on the kindness of strangers。我总是非常依赖陌生人的仁慈。《欲望号街车》

      20) Frankly,my dear,I don’t give a *。坦白说,亲爱的,我一点也不在乎。《乱世佳人》   经典电影台词中英文集锦

      1) Play it,Sam。 Play’As Time Goes By’。弹这首,山姆,就弹“时光流逝”。《卡萨布兰卡》

      2) I am big!It’s the pictures that got small。我是巨大的!是这些照片让我变得渺小了。《日落大道》

      3) Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get。生命就像一盒巧克力,结果往往出人意料。《阿甘正传》

      4) I’ll be back。我会回来的。《终结者》

      5) Land is the only thing in the world worth working for, worth fighting for, worth dying for, because it’s the only thing that lasts。土地是世界上唯一值得你去为之工作,为之战斗,为之牺牲的东西,因为它是唯一永恒的东西。《乱世佳人》

      6) After all,tomorrow is another day!毕竟,明天又是新的一天!《乱世佳人》

      7) You talking to me?你是在和我说话吗?《出租车司机》

      8) I think it's hard winning a war with words。我认为纸上谈兵没什么作用。《乱世佳人》

      9) Show me the money!让我看到钱!《甜心先生》

      10) Tell our enemies that they may take our lives,but they'll never take our Freedom!告诉敌人,他们也许能夺走我们的生命,但是,他们永远夺不走我们的自由!《勇敢的心》

      11) Bond。James Bond。邦德,詹姆士邦德。《诺博士》

      12) A boy’s best friend is his mother。一个男孩最好的朋友是他的母亲。《惊魂记》

      13) Fear can hold you prisoner。Hope can set you free。恐惧让你沦为囚犯。希望可以感受自由。《肖申克的救赎》

      14) Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world,she walks into mine。世界上有那么多的城镇,城镇中有那么多的酒馆,她却走进了我的酒馆)。《卡萨布兰卡》

      15) Oh,Jerry,don’t let’s ask for the moon。We have the stars。噢,杰瑞,不要再乞求能得到月亮了,我们已经拥有星星了。《扬帆》

      16) Carpe diem。Seize the day,boys。Make your lives extraordinary。人生就应该是快乐的,要抓住每一天,孩子们。让你们的生活变得非凡起来。《死亡诗社》

      17) You can’t handle the truth!你不能操纵事实!《义海雄风》

      18) Made it,Ma!Top of the world!好好去做吧,站在世界之巅!《歼匪喋血战》

      19) We’ll always have Paris。我们永远都怀念巴黎(那段美好的时光)。《卡萨布兰卡》

  • 《楚门的世界》经典台词中英文

  • 经典台词,世界,台词
  • 《楚门的世界》经典台词中英文


      1: We've become bored with watching actors give us phony emotions.We're tired of pyrotechnics and special effects.While the world he in habits is,in some respects,counterfeit,there's nothing fake about Truman himself.No scripts.No cue cards.It isn't always shakespeare,but it's genuine.It's a life.


      2: It's all true.It's all real.Nothing here is fake.Nothing you see on this show is fake.It's merely controlled.


      3: I want to get away.See some of the world.


      4: Well,for me,there is no difference between a private life and a public life.My life is my life,is theTruman show.The Truman show is a lifestyle.It's a noble life.It's a truly blessed life.


      5: Honey,you want to be an explorer?This'll pass.We all think like this now and then.


      6: Maybe I'm being set up for something.Like your whole life has been building towards something.


      7: All those years wasted.I'll make it up to you,son.


      8: Coming to you now from sea haven island,enclosed in the largest studio ever constructed.


      1.No scripts; no cue cards. It isnt always Shakespeare, but its genuine. Its a life.


      2.You were real. Thats what made you so good to watch


      3.While the world he inhabits is in some respects, counterfeit. Theres nothing fake about Truman himself.


      4.He was born in front of a live audience。


      5.Were tired of pyrotechnics and special effects.


      6.Good morning, and in case I dont see you, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!


      7.Was anything real?


      8.I have given Truman the chance to lead a normal life. The world, the place you live in, is the sick place.


      9.When its like everythings slipping away You dont want to believe it, so you look for answers somewhere else, but well the point is, I would gladly step in front of traffic for you.


  • 阿凡达经典台词片段中英文14条

  • 经典,经典台词,能量

  • 1、能量在生物间流动,所有的能量都是借来的,早晚有一天要还回去。

















































  • 疯狂动物城经典台词中英文

  • 经典台词,动物,疯狂
  • 疯狂动物城经典台词中英文


      1. Life's a little bit messy. We all make mistakes.



      【拓展】To err is human. 人非圣贤,孰能无过。

      【拓展】I was messed up for a long time. 这些年我一塌糊涂。

      2. I know you'll never forgive me. And I don't blame you. I wouldn't forgive me either



      【拓展】Let bygongs be bygongs 让往事情都随风而去吧。

      3. I was ignorant and irresponsible and small-minded.



      【拓展】The more you learn, the more you feel ignorant. 博学才知才疏学浅。

      4. No matter what type of animal you are, change starts with you.



      【拓展】A journey of a thousand miles begins with single step. 千里之行,始于足下。

      5. And after we're done, you can hate me.



      【拓展】out of sight,out of mind. 眼不见,心不烦。

      6. All right, get in here. You bunnies, so emotional.



      【拓展】We always have a sentimental attachment to our birth-places. 对于故土,我们总是有眷恋之情。

      7. Everyone comes to Zootopia, thinking they could be anything they want. But you can't.



      【拓展】There are only two tragedies in life: one is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it. 失去心中所欲,得到心中所想,乃为人生两大悲剧。

      8. You can only be what you are. Sly fox. Dumb bunny.



      【拓展】 A fox may grow gray, but never good. 江山易改,本性难移。

      9. I know you love me



      【拓展】In your life, there will at least one time that you forget yourself for someone, asking for no result, no company, no ownership nor love. Just ask for meeting you in my most beautiful years. 一生至少该有一次,为了某个人而忘了自己,不求有结果,不求同行,不求曾经拥有,甚至不求你爱我。只求在我最美的年华里,遇到你。

      10. But predators shouldn't suffer because of my mistakes.



      【解析】After sufferings comes happiness. 苦尽甘来。

      11. that'll be fine, because I was a horrible friend, and I hurt you.

      【翻译】 没关系,因为我是个糟糕的朋友,我伤害了你。

      【解析】 你伤害了我,就一笑而过吧,世界上,没有谁对不起谁,只有谁不懂得珍惜谁。

      【拓展】I did not mean to upset 我不是有意要使你难过。

      12. It's not about how badly you want something. It's about what you are capable of!



      【拓展】There is light at the end of the tunnel 守得云开见月明。

  • 肖申克的救赎经典台词中英文

  • 经典台词,救赎,台词
  • 肖申克的救赎经典台词中英文



      It is a kind of inner thing, they can't get to, can't touch, that is yours.


      The good things are not dead.


      Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever ever.


      Fear can hold you prisoner, hope can set you free.


      Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.


      Hard to live or die hard.


      It makes sense to be busy living or busy dying.


      I think I have only one choice: either get busy living or get busy dying.


      Some people are busy dying, others are busy living.


      Give your thoughts to God, and give me your body.


      Listen to me, my friend. Hope is a dangerous thing. Hope can make people crazy.


      I hope that the Pacific Ocean is as blue as I dreamed I was.


      Fear of imprisonment soul, hope you free.


      I hope the Pacific is as blue as I dreamed it was.


      Get busy living or get busy dying, there are only two choices.


      In a quiet place, a person can hear his own thoughts.


      A person's value should not be measured on the day of his worst.


      Fear bound your heart and hope to release your heart.


      In a flash, all of the past away from you, the rest of the only memories.


      Some birds are not close, because they are too bright.


      Perhaps one day you muster the courage, to make a clean breast of everything in the heart only ended up to let others see the joke, because they did not understand you to say what, also don't know why do you think things are so important, say, almost cried out. I think the worst thing in the world, than with full of heart and secret, but no one can tell, but no one can understand!


      Some birds is ultimately caged, because their feathers are just too bright, and when they fly away, you will sincerely congratulations on their freedom to enjoy; however helpless is: you have to continue in this boring drag out an ignoble existence.


      These walls are really interesting. At first you hate it, then you get used to it. After a considerable period of time, you will depend on it.


      I find I'm so excited. I can barely sit still or think about it. I think only those who have a long way to go on a journey to regain their freedom will feel the excitement of the upcoming mystery. I hope to cross the border and shake hands with my friends. I hope the Pacific is as blue as a dream. I hope。


  • 动漫花木兰经典台词中英文

  • 动漫,经典台词,语录
  • Fa Mulan.花木兰Present.Speaking without permission.不要随便开口说话Oops.Who spit in her bean curd?哼气这么大干嘛呀

    Huh. Hmm.Mmm. Too skinny.太瘦.Hmph! Not good for bearing sons.不容易生出儿子Recite the final admonition.妇有四德的内容是些什么

    Mm-hmm.嗯..Well? 吧

    Fulfill your duties calmly and... respectfully.妇有四德,就是妇德是谦虚Um, reflect before you snack...妇容是和悦,还有妇力…Act! This shall bring you honor and glory.妇功!意思是服从Hmm. This way.这边.Now, pour the tea.倒茶.To please your future in-laws,you must demonstrate a sense of dignity and refinement.要取悦你未来的公婆, 你一定要表现出谨慎、庄严、优雅, 不但要心存恭敬You must also be poised.还要注意礼仪和姿势Um, pardon me.对不起And silent!还要安静Could I just take that back? 能不能先还我一下

    For a moment. 给我一下下就好了Why, you clumsy...你这笨手笨脚的...Whoo! Whoo!哇...I think it's going well, don't you?应该进行得很顺利,对吧

    Put it out! Put it out! Put it out!快给我水,浇水,浇水!You are a disgrace!你实在太不像话了You may look like a bride,but you will never bring your family honor!你也许看起来像个新娘, 可是你永远也不会为你们家的人争光















    look at mei will never pass for a perfect bride, or a perfect daughtercan it be im not ment to * this partnow i see that if i were truely to be myself i would break my familys heartWho is that girl I seestaring straight back at me?Why is my reflection someone i dont knowsome how i can not hidewho i am, though i've triedwhen will my reflection show who i am insidewhen will my reflection show who i am inside 看着我,我永远都不可能成为一个完美的新娘,或是个完美的女儿是不是我并不适合担任这份角色


    忠 孝 义逃避 停止不了战争害怕 只能让我们失去更多

    让自己强大 保护身边的每一个人将可以封官加爵 但为胜利牺牲最多的老百姓谁来加爵

    最伟大的是老百姓柔然未灭 何以为家


    人死了就会变成天上的星星离家太远 就会忘记故乡*太多 就会忘记自己在战场上死去 生命像雨水落入大地 毫无痕迹

    得人心者的天下不天下是刀枪抢来的赫赫战功不让百姓过上好日子就算你侥幸赢也会有成千上万的人拼死反抗 白骨累累满足的是你一个人的野心

    Mulan(前奏)Guard: We're under attack! Light the signal!Guard: Now all of China knows you're here.Shan-Yu: Perfect.(皇宫)General Li: Your Majesty, the Huns h*e crossed our Northern border.Chi Fu: Impossible! No one can get through The Great Wall.General Li: Shun-Yu is leading them. We'll set up defenses around yourpalace immediately.Emperor: No! Send your troops to protect my people. Chi Fu,Chi Fu: Yes, your highness.Emperor: Deliver conscription notices throughout all the provinces. Call up reserves and as many new recruits as possible.General Li: Forgive me your Majesty, but I believe my troops can stop him.Emperor: I wont take any chances, General. A single grain of rice can tipthe scale. One man may be the difference between victory and defeat.(木兰家)Mulan: Quiet and demure...graceful...polite...[picking up some rice with herchopsticks and eating a mouthful]delicate...refined...poised...[She setsdown her chopsticks and writes down a final word on her right arm]punctual.Aiya. Little brother. Little brother. Lit-ahhh, there you are. Who's the smartest doggie in the world? Come on




后天经典台词中英文 - 句子

后天经典台词中英文 - 语录

后天经典台词中英文 - 说说

后天经典台词中英文 - 名言

后天经典台词中英文 - 诗词

后天经典台词中英文 - 祝福

后天经典台词中英文 - 心语


感觉自己可有可无说说 朋友圈换个头像的说说 幸福很短暂的说说 关于质量的说说 包治百病的说说 今天是妈妈的忌日说说 想喝茶的说说 心烦时的说说 美的心情说说 想好好休息的说说 孩子认真读书的说说 关于熊猫的说说 表达自己嘴笨却的说说 高兴不起来的说说 吃饱睡觉的经典说说 爱闺蜜的说说 跳广场舞说说 背后说人坏话的人说说 欺骗说说 扬州旅游说说 深夜加班说说 离开孩子的说说 过得压抑的说说 出门进货的说说 半夜雨声的说说 借钱说说一句话 玫瑰说说简短 放下一切去旅行的说说 小资说说车 戴妃小说说大全 没文案的说说
