楢崎清春,出生于日本的福冈市,高中开始学*油画。1971年迁移至冈山县。1985年及以后6年被荷兰的水彩画展吸引,此后便自己开始学*并着重于以欧洲的绘制透明水彩。***年CG工作室成立。负责3D、工业图解、电视(TV)、电视广播广告(Commercial Message)、演示等用途的手绘。1997年在仓敷市举办首次个人画展。1999年水彩画Web美术展览室——《楢崎清春的水彩画》开幕。 图像公司“美的收集系列”《静物水彩》作品收藏,后来收集进同一出版社的许多作家集,2000年5 月,时隔29年之后第一次回到故乡福冈市。“楢崎水彩画教室”成立。2001年11月一直梦想的以故乡线岛风景为主题的水彩画展“伊都国家绘画及纪行”开幕。以后,以个人展览为中心在福冈市专心于水彩作家活动。2003年11月参加一系列的日贸出版社刊、“优秀的水彩画”活动。喜欢的水彩画家有 安德鲁?韦思、菲利普?ジャミスン。讨厌 “艺术”或“艺术家”这样的话,因为这样有一种民族优越感,而 “画家“是工匠性质的而且只是爱好者而已。除了绘画,他还喜欢蓝调音乐和r&b,民族服饰民族音乐,山间散步。他的画给人一种梦境般的幻想。
姓名: 国宁
英文名 :DORIS
昵称 :国宝、大宝贝、果子、国BB、宁仔、小刀、小战士、刀姐
性别 :女
生日 :12.6 农历十月廿三
星座 :射手座
血型 :B
籍贯 :北京
身高 :170cm
体重 :50kg
特长 :唱歌,跳舞
爱好 :逛街,收集各种香水
喜欢的数字 :6
喜欢的季节 :夏
喜欢的颜色 :所有的颜色都喜欢,只要它们用的恰到好处,都是漂亮的
喜欢的物品 :香水
喜欢的音乐 :jazz ,R&B
喜欢的动物 :动物都喜欢~除了蚂蚁,蜘蛛
喜欢的花 :郁金香,满天星,薰衣草
喜欢吃的东西 :没有什么特别喜欢的
喜欢做的事情 :能让自己开心的事
讨厌的事物 :争吵,误会
东方神起是韩国男子组合,隶属于著名经纪公司SM Entertainment。于2003年12月26日初次亮相,2004年2月6日正式出道。除出唱片、开演唱会以外,还参加影视作品演出及其它节目录制。初期成员包括:郑允浩、沈昌珉、金俊秀、金在中、朴有天五人,其中,金在中、朴有天、金俊秀在2009年7月31日与SM公司对簿公堂,随后离开SM公司并签约韩国经纪公司c-jes。另一方面,郑允浩与沈昌珉留在SM公司继续以东方神起的名义开展活动。
中文名: 东方神起
外文名: 1: 동방신기 2: TOHOSHINKI
别名: TVXQ
国籍: 韩国
职业: 歌手、演员
代表作品: TRI-ANGLE、Rising Sun、"O"-正。反。合、MIROTIC等
第一次亮相: 2003年12月26日
经纪公司: SM Entertainment
音乐类型: K-POP、J-POP、R&B
正式出道时间: 2004年2月6日
东方神起 现任成员&专辑 现任成员 ▪ 沈昌珉 ▪ 郑允浩
已退成员 ▪ 金在中 ▪ 金俊秀 ▪ 朴有天
音乐专辑 ▪ Rising Sun ( 2005.9.17) ▪ The Secret Code ( 2009.3.25)
▪ Mirotic ( 2008.9.29) ▪ Stand by U ( 2009.7.1)
▪ The way U are ( 2004.8.31) ▪ Heart, Mind and Soul ( 2006.3.23)
▪ The Secret Code ( 2009.3.25)
Pok Kobkongsanti, the lead designer with T.R.O.P. Studio, has sent us images of their latest landscape design project called “Noble Remix” in Bangkok, Thailand.
Project description from T.R.O.P. Studio:
What is the role of Landscape Architects in the World with Global Warming problem? How could we help reducing the heat wave? Could we encourage people to plant more trees? Those are some questions we have in mind all the time. And finally we have a chance to start adding some more “Greenery” back to the Urban Landscape.
Located at one of the best locations in Bangkok, Sukhumvit Road, Noble Remix is a Residential Project, plus Retails on its first floor. The project targets at young professionals, who love modern way of living (with a little sense of humor). We got a commission to design its plaza on the ground floor. The area is sandwiched between the building and Sukhumvit road.
Our client did not give us specific programs or tell us what they wanted. Basically, they just needed some Green Area to ap*** for the EIA Permit, in order to use the building. So we have to find out what could and should be done here.
First, we studied the area, Sukhumvit Road. The Road is not only the prime area for any project, it is also one of the worst traffic-jammed areas in Bangkok. The area would have a series of very bad traffic jams during a day, from early morning (6am-10am) to the evening (5-sometimes, midnight).
The site, even though it is located on the great location, just got no great view on any side of the project. So, instead of looking out, we think that the plaza will be something that people looking at. It will be a new eye candy of passing-by people (pedestrians, drivers, and Train passengers from above).
Naturally the plaza can be viewed from 2 Sides, from the building and from the road. The word “2-Sides” became our first rolling point.
We thought about Thailand’s old philosophy “a coin has 2 Faces”, which can be applied to any human life. In one’s life, a person could have 2 faces as well. On the front face, there are Look, Work, Responsibility, Taste, etc. On the backside, without anyone looking, one may has Lust, Personality, Play, etc.
We liked that thought, so we applied the 2-Faces character to the design of the plaza. On the front side (we call it a “Front Face Garden”), looking from the road, we want to show our Environmental Concern. We thought about Giving back some Greenery, O2, and Shades to the public, for the people who are trapped in the traffic.
Instead of creating some garden for our residents and shoppers, we proposed a huge Green Landform, slightly sloped up from 40cm to 1.50m at the highest area. Instead of typical Shrubs-and-trees garden, we want to make a bolder statement by using very tall trees instead. Seeing Big trees on Sukhumvit Road is not a common sight. Underneath those towering trees, we did not want to use grass, which needs a lot of water. Instead we planted some ground cover with purple flowers to compliment the color of the building.
On the “Back Face”, we wanted it to “play” a bit more to show The Project’s true Nature.
Here, a series of circular space are crafted into the Green Landform, creating seating space with different sizes. Smaller one for 1-4 people and the bigger one for a dozen. Those circular areas are formed by Retaining Wall, with different textured Terrazzo to compliment the name of the project “Remix”.
What makes this garden more interesting is that people from the outside can’t really see interior circular space. Only once they move inside the project, then they will experience the other Face of the garden. At the same time, people from the inside won’t feel threatened by the Traffic jam outside. Because we provide such a high land form, it helps screening some of the unpleasant views and noises.
At the end we got what we hoped for, one garden with 2 Faces for 2 different purposes. One for the Public and the other for the Private.
1.2004年 《安室爱美惠》 饰 郑碗贵(客串)
2.2005年 《终极一班》 饰 丁小雨/KO.4
3.2005年《恶作剧之吻》饰 阿布(客串)
4.2007年 《终极一家》 饰 丁小雨(终极一班)灸亣镸荖·舞/盟主
5.2007年 《恶作剧2吻》 饰 阿布(客串)
6.2008年 《霹雳mit》 饰 詹士德(007)(男一号)
7.2009年 《终极三国》 饰 丁小雨、&灸亣镸荖·舞(第一集客串、和修传音入密)
8.2010年 《爱似百汇》饰 邢一诚(男二号 ) ( 原著:新保壹)
9.2010年《死神少女》饰 沈奇、高超(男一号)
10.2011 《阳光天使》饰 艾纶Aaron(客串)
11.2011 《五月之恋》广播剧 饰 姚雨泽
12.2012 《给爱丽丝的奇迹》饰 贺霆宇(男一号)
1.首波主打: 下一个我 The next me (矛盾的炎亚纶)
2.抒情R&B: 只看见你 I can see nothing but you (执着的炎亚纶)
3.R&B曲风:一触即发 Touch and go (冷酷的炎亚纶)
4.与Olivia的深情对唱:最后一眼 Just one look (浪漫的炎亚纶)
5.翻唱莫文蔚的经典:忽然之间 Suddenly (脆弱的炎亚纶)
6. 经典钢琴曲:The Truth That You Leave钢琴曲 (感性的炎亚纶)
炎亚纶 寂寞暴走