韩神片《寄生虫》(Parasite)真的很有可能打破纪录,拿下奥斯卡最佳影片。该片今(2日)拿下美国编剧工会奖(WGA,Writers Guild of America Award)最大奖项最佳原著剧本,加上先前拿下的美国演员工会、美国剪辑工会最大奖,算是剧本、演员、剪接方面皆受到肯定。
美国编剧工会奖在台湾时间今(2日)早上宣布得奖名单,电影类别由《寄生虫》、《兔嘲男孩》(Jojo Rabbit)分别获得最佳原著剧本、最佳改编剧本,电视类别则由HBO影集《继承之战》(Succession)、HBO影集《杀手进城》(Barry)分别获得最佳剧情剧本、最佳喜剧剧本。
员工专用 Staff Only剧照图片集锦,员工专用 Staff Only剧照图片合集. A 17-year-old girl spends the Christmas holidays in Senegal with her brother and father. Tired of planned trips and the ceremonious actions of the hotel employees, as well as her father's behavior, she opens the door to the staff area and discovers a world that, although previously undiscovered, allows her to develop close and complex relationships.